Patient L I R
Address Shropshire. U.K.
Age 33 years
Diagnosis   Malignant Oligoastrocytoma (Mixed Glioma) Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma. Brain Tumour



Hi Max,

I’ve found a report from the neuropathology dept. dated 15.01.2004, after 4th operation.

I’d had

Diagnosis 22.07.1997

1st operation August 1997,

2nd operation September 1997,

30 x radiotherapy Nov – Dec 1997

4 x chemotherapy starting Feb 1998 every 6 weeks

Re-occurrence Sept 2003,

3rd operation Dec 2003,

4th operation Jan 2004

Decided on treatment to see how it would go.

Confirmation of the original diagnosis.

Re-occurrence June 2005,

5th operation June 2005 with chemotherapy implants (gliadel wafers)

I had an infection which kept me in hospital for a total 6 weeks and more 2 x operations as my scar wouldn’t heal. The last operation was to take out so of my skull to allow the wound to heal.

21 years later I’m still here – my original diagnosis was 2 – 5 years. I still having bi-annual scans then follow-up appointments, went for my last appointment (April 2018) my consultant was retiring and remarked that he felt the tumour had burnt itself out!

So what was it! CanTea, I didn’t all the time, my diet, my Christian faith and attitude to life, whatever I’m still here, I won’t pretend it’s easy when it’s not. Frequently I struggle with the simplest of tasks most people take for granted, I've been left with a paralysis on my right hand and my right ankle is at a 45 degree that a 45° angle which means I cannot walk unless I have my foot splints on. Finding footwear can be a complete nightmare isn't in it anymore!

Thankyou L I R.

There are many people who suffer from brain tumours but very few who are alive 21 year later.

My biggest sadness with your story is that you went through the surgeries that left your limbs badly affected. They improved nothing and left you with a lifetime of side effects including pain and suffering, as many operations on cancer patients do.

I am sure others starting out on a similar journey as yours and others on here will benefit greatly from your experience. It is often hard to make a decision which goes against the advice of specialists, but when there is like U were offered 2-5 years of survival, any 33yr old wants a longer life and probably would chose to avoid the surgery your experience and results you were left with.

I wonder if there are any other people who are relying on their tumour to just "burn out". It is a term I have never heard in 27 successful years of supplying CanTea for any cancer. Perhaps we will be hearing in the future of research into "burn-out" cancer treatment, as mentioned by LIR's esteemed expert and now retired consultant, for those who survive for more than 20 years cancer free who originally had a projected 2-5 year survival.

If after reading L I R's story you want to emulate her success hopefully without the unnecessary, disfiguring and painful surgery, Click the button below for

I am sure that L I R would tell anyone drinking 4 cups of cold Cantea a day is much more preferable and successful to her 5 operations, chemotherapy and radiation she stopped 15 years ago.

Remember you only really cure your cancer when your immune system is stimulated to again destroy cancer cells it stopped destroying years ago. We all make malformed and/or infected cancer cells every day but we need to destroy them every day too stay free from cancer.


CanTea stimultes your immune system for these amazing results